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jgfletch's profile

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1 Message

Thursday, February 17th, 2022 9:00 PM

Trying to access att.com/AcceptMyDevice

I cannot find the link that was provided in the letter sent to get a new Microcell for my home.  Can you help me in getting a new one?

I can be reached at (Edited to remove personal information).

John (Edited to remove personal information)

Accepted Solution

Official Solution

New Member


1 Message

2 years ago

Use your phone, turn off wifi, and use the network signal. Type in att.com/acceptmydevice in a browser and it should work. It's the only thing that worked for me. Using wifi caused the link to loop.

Community Support


232.9K Messages

2 years ago

Hello skc3845, thanks for the information!


Thank you for this solution. We will definitely be passing this information along to others that is having the same problem.


Thank you for Visiting AT&T Community Forums!


Carlton, AT&T Community Specialist 

New Member


1 Message

2 years ago

The day I received the letter from AT&T about receiving a free cell booster, I began trying to access the web address they provided. The page would never load. I tried nearly daily with no results. I called AT&T several times and no one was able to help me. I saw this thread today and followed the steps and although I couldn’t finish the process of ordering a booster (got an error message) I did see a number to call that was different from the one I’d called previously. The bottom line is this “promotion is over” and I will have to wait and order a booster (at least $200!) when they become available this Summer. I’m very disappointed that the promotion apparently only lasted 2 weeks and that their website would not allow me to order a booster. I’m truly disappointed. My cell phone will barely work in my home soon……..😟.

ACE - Expert


24.9K Messages

2 years ago

@DAK17 There was lots of discussions about the broken weblink that was in the second letter sent out, and there were some tips that users had found that worked for some trying to order the Cell Booster. Unfortunately, in addition to a broken weblink, those that were able to get thru quickly depleted the remaining inventory of free Cell Boosters.

The Cell Booster will go on sale in a couple of weeks for $229. $699 for the Cell Booster Pro.

New Member


3 Messages

2 years ago

I just did the request. It has ended because supplies were limited. I had until 3/31/22 to get this. There is nothing in the letter saying limited supply. I demand my Cell Booster, ATT is a total (Edited per community guidelines) anymore in their service and attention to long time customers. I just upgraded my phone and need this since I only get one bar in my condo. ATT step up and get rid of your crappy customer service. This could very easily become a (Edited per community guidelines) (Edited per community guidelines) if not rectified. I'm certain others will be more than happy to join. We deserve first class full service. 


ACE - Expert


24.9K Messages

2 years ago

@MPinardo File a complaint with the BBB and/or FCC. Those go to Corporate and someone from the Office of the President will contact you. Demand exceeded supply so the program has ended. AT&T is now getting ready to put them on sale in a couple of weeks.

Threatening will get you nowhere.

New Member


3 Messages

2 years ago

I'm not letting it go. ATT has perpetrated a fraud against its customers. I also have an issue with their fiber optic that others got for free and when it gets to my area I'll be required to pay. Another fraudulent and discriminatory act by ATT. I will not pay to have a cell booster - they are responsible for providing the service they say they are providing and ALL customers deserve the exact same thing. If they cannot provide the service and sell products that need the additional boost- they are required to provide said service. Plus- ATT should not have sent more letters than availability and it should have been stated in the letter limited quantity. 

ACE - Expert


24.9K Messages

2 years ago

You do what you feel you must. "Fraud", like you allege AT&T has done, will be hard to prove in a court of law because I'm sure that AT&T's Legal Department, like all other providers, has covered their backsides every which way possible. As an AT&T customer, there is also a binding arbitration that you agreed to when you became a customer so that's another protective measure that AT&T, and other providers, has in place.

If your phone is capable of WiFi-C, I'd use that. When I'm done testing the Cell Booster I will be going back to that because it's more reliable and issue free for us. You can also look into cellular boosters, there in a link in sig line about those, or just switch to another carrier that offers better service in your area and home.

Former Employee


32.9K Messages

2 years ago


New Member


3 Messages

2 years ago

I appreciate that, they could have all that covered- but they also have the responsibility to be up front about limited supply. My letter states that I have until 3/31/2022 to claim mine. That states they have one for me to claim by 3/31/2022. Nowhere does it state a limited supply and first come first serve. The letter is very misleading. Their lawyers should have gone over that before sending it out. Also, if they are giving one for every letter, as it should be, we should be on a waiting list for the next batch to be available if we claimed it by 3/31/2022.

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