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What is happening with 3G?
R_Hurwitz's profile

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1 Message

Thursday, March 31st, 2022 10:19 PM

No Working Service

My family and I have used AT&T back when it was still Bellsouth. We have bundled our home phone, internet, TV, and mobile phones. So you can imagine how much money is spent a month. But guess what, can not use my mobile phones in my own house and can not use my TV and internet half of the time. I have called over 10 times in the past two weeks and have only gotten ahold of one customer service representative during those calls. They said they were able to troubleshoot my devices but that did work. Then they said they would send new equipment before the end of March, but it never came. Tried to log in to my account, but can not get access because apparently, multiple accounts have to be accessed to get to a passcode. I am also currently on the phone trying to get an agent and have been on hold for 40 minutes. Is someone from AT&T going to fix my problems or do I need to switch to another carrier?

Former Employee


2.8K Messages

2 years ago

If you do not get service it is up to you to switch to a provider that suits your needs. If you choose to stay that is on you.



147 Messages

2 years ago

Yeah, ditto here. Mix and match as needed.  AT&T literally pulled the physical copper out and away from the house over a decade ago. Can't get Landline, DSL, Uverse...

Wireless is non- existent where I physically live. But just 2 blocks away from house is the best, hands down. 

So it's a hybrid of Comcast HSI service in the house,  Ooma that pretends to be Landline so luddite mother is happy pretending a land line is in the home and At&T phones through a cell booster.

To qualify for current booster promo, you've had to have a legacy 3G microcell active for past 90 days on account that was tied to a primary 3/4G cellphone account.

If you never had one before,  you will not get one now, for free. Especially if you never received an email offering, an email notification of one automatically sent as a current legacy customer or snail mail card.

And I sympathize. It stinks if you're in a fringe area. But double sucks hard if you previously didn't have an activated MCell on account and are trying to obtain one now for nothing. It's likely not possible but you could score one for free if really needed and document/ demonstrate that need.

A decade ago? I got a free MCell completely unaware such a thing existed for just complaining gently over a period of a few months. With 3G shutdown? I got a free booster again without asking, it was almost automatic. I responded to my AT&T upgrade email and received the booster a week later. 


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